Reporting for ROLL CALL 7/16/13 4:38PM
If you are reading this, you are doing so because you have completed the Phase I of ROLL CALL. There are 24 posts in Phase I, and after reading these you should be familiar with the exact procedures needed to get signed up with the VA, have your first meeting with your Primary Care Doctor, and your first visit with your doctor at the Mental Hygiene Clinic. You know the Rules and the Steps and you have familiarized yourself with the special links giving you more 'facts' about the current situation with the VA, and the reasons you need to get signed up if you are an honorably discharged Veteran.
Remember, you served this nation in uniform, and you 'earned' your benefits at the VA. And this is especially important if in fact you were physically wounded, or mentally wounded, or both. This is not a 'gift'. It is not a 'handout'. It is an earned return for doing your job. Like a paycheck at the end of the week, your benefits at the VA was secured by you for doing your job properly. If anyone says you are taking advantage of the system by signing up at the VA for your medical benefits, then that person saying that is a MORON.
Now we have reached a point in ROLL CALL where I will discuss filing a claim. There are two kinds of wounds one receives in war. One is physical, and the other is mental. And, there is a third. Agent Orange was sprayed on soldiers in Vietnam in order to kill them. We did that to our own people. Millions of people, not only our servicemen, but the multitudes of Vietnamese and other nationalities who were also exposed to this chemical weapon. In World War I, soldiers were exposed to Mustard Gas. And in World War II, they were exposed to radiation after we dropped two atom bombs, and also when we tested these atomic weapons by marching our soldiers through an area where an atom bomb was dropped.
I am going to call this third wound a "toxin" wound.
Not long ago, I was doing my Veteran Advocacy and I was helping a soldier who was in The Desert Storm. That was the one before the Rich Man Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This particular soldier is suffering from extreme PTSD. Without going into details, my fellow advocates and the professionals working with me at CalVet here in Sacramento agree that this man has been 100% wounded with PTSD. He did not get wounded in that fight physically. But, he did bring home The Black Snake from his experiences in war.
After much work on my part to get him to agree to sign up for his VA benefits, I arranged for him to see his first doctor at the Mental Hygiene Clinic here. When he met this doctor, the first thing this doctor asked him was, "Are you here to play the game?" This malicious question by this doctor caused this wounded Veteran to 'quit'.
So, here's my point: The VA is playing a game when it comes to 'awarding' a soldier medical benefits from these unseen wounds. So, you need to know how to 'play the game' if you are going to succeed in getting your benefits if in fact you were wounded in your service to this nation by an unseen war injury. I have come up with a motto for the VA today. It is their motto. It is:
"Lie and deny until you die!"
OK, from here on out, in Phase II of ROLL CALL, I'm going to explain to you how you need to 'play the game' in order to get your claim filed.
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