Reporting for Roll Call 16:50Hrs 6-14-13
Hi LT:
Yes, term limits are definitely something to push for, and, as you know, I've long been advocating a practical way to do it, without getting into a big fight over it with all those careerl incumbents cluttering up the Congress.But that's another subject to explore. Let's talk about "shrunken heads."
Per your comment my last post, apparently exiting service members are given a close out physical. Is that correct? If so, that's good. So now, as our cherry troop faces his PC doctor, who starts the process by asking him medical history questions. Your comment suggests that the doctor has absolutely no medical history info about the troop, even from his time in service. Correct? If not, how come? What do the troop and the doctor have to do to get that info? Apparently, as I understand it, the troop has to sign some sort of form "authorizing" the release of that info (Form No. 88 or 89?). So right there... is a delaying "land mine" Sure, demanding all sorts of exams, including a mental hygiene one, is fine, but shouldn't the troop's service medical history be included with all that?
Okay, so where and in what way does any-Advocate- fit into this process?
The picture I'm getting from all this, LT, is that, from the start, the process (whether for physical or mental matters) is focussed on crocheting procedures, not on expediting any outcome as much as possible.