Sunday, May 5, 2013

Post No.2 - About How To Start Filing A Claim

Reporting for Roll Call -21:00 Hrs - 5-5-13:
Hi LT:
Since you have first hand experience with filing a disability claim, I'd like to pick your brains, as they say (LTs have brains?!!!), to see how someone has to maneuver through the minefield of that process. Since I never had to deal with that, it will be helpful to gain a better understanding of what's involved. Here goes:
a) Since we're dealing with a bureaucracy, obviously we have to start with a form of some kind. What is it, and where do you get it?
b) What are some of the tricky aspects when you fill out that form?
c) What supporting documentation do you need to go with it?
d) Having done all that, where, or to whom is that form turned in?
That's about it for starters. If you can give me some specific answers for these questions, that will be helpful. Keep in mind, I haven't a clue about how the process is supposed to work, just doing what amounts to some forensic dissection here, to get a better understanding of it all.