Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post No 6 - May We Shift to How To Mode?

Reporting for Roll Call 21:20 Hrs - 5-15-13
Hi LT:
If we're going to help anyone to understand how to file a claim for the benefits they've earned and deserve, may we shift to a how to mode?
Yes, we know the VA claim processing system is a mess. No question about it...and both you and I have a collection of annectdotes about specific cases on how screwed up the system is (as do a lot of other veterans too). far we had brought our cherry/troop through to get his VA card, along with his DD214. His next step is....?
He needs to know that if his claim is going to be filed. Let's help him along here.


ROLL CALL!  It has come to the attention of many Veteran Advocates recently in America that the VA (Veterans Administration) is dealing with over one million backlogged claims.  Also, it has been brought to my attention that the VA is experiencing the "7 Year Burn" beginning this year.  That simply defined means that the Veterans who have returned from service in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars seven years ago are now realizing they are in trouble.  With destroyed marriages, wrecked relationships with family and friends, drowning their pain with booze and drugs, and lost jobs and getting in trouble with the law, they are finally accepting the fact that the Black Snake (PTSD) is coiled within their souls, and they can't sleep at night because they are Dancing with the Devil's Daughter. They want help.  The VA can not handle over a million filed claims right now from the Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans, so how in the world are they going to do so with the millions about ready to enter their doors with the "7 Year Burn"?  I have set up a web site that I list here to help any and all Veterans get their claims filed with the VA.  You have to know how to do this!  It is not a simple process.  And, it is to the advantage of the whole VA system if Veterans get mad, or frustrated at the process, and turn away, go home, and settle for a life curled up with the Black Snake and Dancing with the Devil's Daughter.  PLEASE help me help our fellow Veterans.  Tell any and all about this site.  And spread the word.  Thanx!  LT Bobby Ross