Reporting for Roll Call 16:25 Hrs 6-7-13
Hi LT:
Well, it was D-Day, and some folks did remember about it. At the rate things are going it may soon be seen as "ancient" history.
Meanwhile, I'll continue picking away at the process involved with filing a disability claim.
You are correct...a wound is a wound is a wound...whether physical or otherwise. The question boils down to what extent does it affect normal functionality? So, here's where the process begins, that is, having been assigned a primary care physician, and having had the first appointment with him/her, our troop now faces the first scrutiny on the subject. Physical problems from physical wounds are self-evident. PTSD related problems are something else. So...two questions appear to need answers here:
1)To what extent does the PCDr's preliminary medical evaluation of the troop's condition have a bearing on a potential disability rating?
2)How is that recorded?
What I'm asking here, LT, is who initiates the process...the doctor? So what does the troop have to do?
While the Dr.'s medical opinion must have some validity, I suspect that the next thing is probably referral to a specific specialist of one kind or another (that would seem to be a logical step to take).
From your experience, is this correct?