Reporting for Roll Call -14:35Hrs - 6-10-13
Hi LT:
Re: Your comment my Post No. 10. My impression is what you're advocating amounts to a "stealth" approach. That is, getting a complete, head to toe, physical at this point in the process, will preclude any later bureaucratic efforts to apply the "pre-existing condition" ploy against our troop. Fair enough, But this brings up a possible bit of reinforcing support here. When someone enters military service, they are subjected to a similar head-to-toe physical and even psche eval before being accepted for service. Thus, if the results of that are okay, that individual is deemed fit for service, and accepted, with no "pre-existing" dings of one kind or another. Later, upon release from active service shouldn' the Services perform another complete physical, like the first one? In effect "certifying" that the individual is free of any dings of one kind or another...or not. I'm not sure, but unless the service member was released from a medical facility, that isn't the case. When I was release from active duty back in the day...other than being handed my DD214, and a parting citation by my was just good-by-Charlie- and-it-was-great-to-know-you... I coud have been incubating the Bubonic Plague...for all they knew. So, in my view, this is one of the first "land mines" in the system. The Services should be requiredd to perform a complete head-to-toe exam before releasing anyone.
Okay, now, after some time has passed since return to the civilian world, our troop does as you advocate, and gets another (this time VA) complete physical. He will now have not just one, but TWO, physical "certifications" saying he is fine, or, has specific indications otherwise. Either way, he has a stronger foundation for any future needs. My point to all this is that our troop would be better prepared for any future encounters in the claims process, than he is currently.
Hey Captain! Reporting for ROLL CALL 5:24PM 6/10/13
ReplyDeleteWhen I joined the Army on June 4, 1966, they certainly gave me a physical and a hair cut. But, back then the draft was in full swing, and if you were missing a leg, part of your face, three inches off your full swing, you passed. They needed all the cannon fodder they could throw at the Viet Cong, and they did!
The military works for the President. He works for the People. The arrangement is set up to work for those folks. Not for the soldier. So, they do test you when you go in, but they just throw you under the bus when they kick you out. Stupidity is no excuse in the law. And, the Law of Nature is what Darwin wrote: The strong survive. And, that's why the Cherry Troop needs an advocate.
You are starting to get the picture. The fact that the primary care doctor is the 'doorway' to your rights as an 'ex-military' type. The military does not tell you this. No one in the military has told anyone what I have already told you in ROLL CALL. And it's not so much 'stealth'. It is more 'CYA'. And, I reiterate that getting a Veteran Advocate is extremely important. If in fact, the reader now does not have one, he or she does. It's me. I'm telling you much more than most Veteran Advocates do. Remember, if you are dealing with a Veteran Advocate from your State Veterans oganizations, or the 'drinkiing clubs' (American Legion, DAV, VFW) then remember they are 'in contact' with the VA. I am not. I have no ax to grind, and no one is paying me to drink with them at some private club where the whiskey is CHEAP!
If the Cherry Troop follows my Rules and Steps here on ROLL CALL, he will never have a problem with the VA. And, if said Cherry Troop gets out of the military this Thursday, then he needs to go to Step 1 on Friday!