Monday, July 8, 2013

Post No. 21 - A Classic Case of Instituional Obstructionism

Reporting for Roll Call:14:35Hrs 7-5-13
Hi LT:
Thanks, quiet, and a laid back one.
Re: Getting records. Your comment on my Post No. 20 is enlightening. You are quite right. Getting access to and copies of your service record and medical records has barely improved since my times. The VA site you mention is okay as far as that goes, but it really doesn't do much to "improve" the process. In my view, this where BOTH the armed services and the VA display what I consider institutional obstructionism. There really is no valid excuse for it. Let's be blunt here...handing over a complete file of a service member's service record, and related medical file while in service, to a departing service member should be a routine part of the discharging process, not something he has to do after the fact. This is a  key failure directly chargeable to the Services. That failure  thus forces a discharged veteran to then have to go through the VA's procedures to try and get these. If I recall correctly aren't these forms for that purpose, 88 or 89... for the veteran's "authorization" to the services Records Center (St. Louis) to release these to the VA...or some such? At one point, I tried to get my service records directly, and had to flll out forms,,,just to get them released to me, never mind anyone else! Worse yet...they were incomplete...most of my enlisted period was missing (which they blamed on that big fire of theirs).Which isn't quite true, most of those "fire destroyed" files were archived and burried in a mountain cave storage somewhere, but since these had never been microfiched, the sheer volume of them to physically search to retrieve them would be too long and costly..
Well, it seems to me this is one issue about the system that needs some serious correction, and every veteran, every veterans group, etc. should be raising hell to make it so. Maybe if everyone started pounding on the JCS, and the Sec could happen, especially if there were a concurrent pounding going on at the Chairman of the House Ways Means Committee, and the House Armed Services Committee (from which the Services get their appropriations). Our classic panzer double pincer movement. Hah! That could make it all happen in double time.
Re: Maybe this all calls for another "rule" here (No.7?). That is: From the very first moment, build your own record file. Make copies of any and all types of communications with either the VA or the Services, including any attachments, enclosures, whatever. And whatever verbal responses you get to any questions you ask, from anyone, request confirmation of that in writing/email or what have you. Better yet, take notes, and if they don't  or won't give things to you in writing, write your own record/memo of it, then send them a copy with a nice polite cover note asking:"Is this my correct understanding of our conversation?" The key points here are: a) Bureaucracies tend to magically "eat" paper files, then call them "lost". b) No bureaucratic verbal word about anything can be trusted to be true. Get it in writing, one way or the other.
If this seems too cynical and over the top...I speak from long experience with all sorts of bureaucratic beasts, whether, military, government, or civilian.. it's common to all their natures. That's the reality of things. Once our Cherry Troop understands that, "maneuvering" through their respective procedural minefields becomes easier and less stressful,The trick is to learn how to keep one's cool, smile a lot, and how and when to slip an ITG (Improvised Textual Grenade) into their shorts.

1 comment:

  1. Reporting for ROLL CALL 9:57AM 7/9/13

    Morning Captain!

    At this point in our ROLL CALL communications, I think it should be noted that I'm doing my best to keep on track as to the real mission of this web site. And, that mission is to keep on track. In other words, I'm not here to do a 'wish it woulda, shoulda, coulda be' type of dialogue. I've stated this time and time again that I wish this site would have been available to me the day after I got discharged from the Army in February 1969. If I had known the 'rules' and 'steps' here that particular day, I am certain my life today would be totally different. But, the simple fact is: this site was not available to me then.

    I could also ramble on and on about all the controversies and conspiracy theories surrounding the VA. Here we have on our right side of the page our Rules and Steps and LINKS OF INTEREST. I could add a list on links on the ramblings of many who accuse the VA of every 'crime' known to a Bureaucracy from deliberately destroying Veteran files to burying the wrong body in the grave yard. But, I'm not going to waste space here on any of this, even though personally, I do believe in my heart that over 1 million backlogged claims at the VA is not right. So, Rule 5 is important to keep us focused on accomplishing our mission.

    I have given you the web site for the VA. Here it is again:

    Frankly speaking, as a person who knows quite a bit about the Internet, I don't think think this web site works! With that said, I do believe it is a good tool for the Cherry Troop to explore and get more centered as to getting signed up for benefits at the VA. So, here's another page:

    At every VA hospital in the US of A, there is a Freedom of Information Office. It is your right as an honorably discharged Veteran to enter this office and request your records. The person in this 'one man office' will help you fill out the proper paperwork. This is incredibly important when you are actually getting appointments with your various doctors, both physical and mental hygiene professionals. After each visit to a doctor, you have the right to request what that doctor has written in your file.

    I can not emphasize this Freedom of Information enough here. You can begin to build your own file the day you enter the VA system. Whether or not you can get your military records from the day you entered military service to your discharge is not an easy process. BUT, building your own file from day one at the VA you can do!

    Remember Rule 6. The only person who really cares about the Cherry Troop is the Cherry Troop himself.



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