Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post No 6 - May We Shift to How To Mode?

Reporting for Roll Call 21:20 Hrs - 5-15-13
Hi LT:
If we're going to help anyone to understand how to file a claim for the benefits they've earned and deserve, may we shift to a how to mode?
Yes, we know the VA claim processing system is a mess. No question about it...and both you and I have a collection of annectdotes about specific cases on how screwed up the system is (as do a lot of other veterans too). far we had brought our cherry/troop through to get his VA card, along with his DD214. His next step is....?
He needs to know that if his claim is going to be filed. Let's help him along here.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm reporting to ROLL CALL. First off, making a claim depends on what the problem is that the Veteran (Cherry Troop) is suffering? Is it a physical or mental problem? For example, let's say the problem is ringing in the ears. This is often times caused by being exposed to heavy cannon fire, or some such explosions not 'normal' for the human condition. Many combat Veterans suffer from this condition. If the condition is combat related, then there needs to be 'proof' of the particular incident involved with the claim. This is why it is essential for a Veteran Advocate to be there to advise from the get-go. It is not a very serious wound to have had your ears blown out in combat per the VA format. So, it might be better advised to listen to the Veteran Advocate advise that in filing the claim, a mental condition also exists from the 'ringing in the ear' problem so as to be able to get a percentage that would include hearing aides. And, now I mention for the first time: percentage. That's the key to your claim. You will be 'awarded' a percentage by the VA for your claim. Sound complicated? You bet! More so than you can even imagine.


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